Wheat (Triticum spp.) belongs to the Poaceae family and it is a cereal grain originally from the Levant region (Eastern Mediterranean region) but now cultivated worldwide. In 2016, world production of wheat was 749 million tonnes. The most cultivated varieties are: Triticum durum and T. aestivum, which it is called Common wheat and also known as bread wheat and the most widely grown of all crops.
The winter wheat growth is divided into different stages or phases: Tillering, Stem extension, Heading and Ripening. The critical periods of water requirement from wheat are the development of the spike stage, flowering and the beginning of the grain formation stage.

Soil: Higher yields in clay-loam or clay soils with calcium, with good absorbent power, not very aerated but with good drainage.
pH: The most suitable pH is between 5.5 and 7 but it might tolerate higher pH.
Climate: It adapts to a great variety of climates, zones with a fresh and humid growth season followed by another one warm and dry in ripening.