Pepper (Capsicum) belongs to the Solanaceae family and it is native to America. There are five domesticated species: C. annuum, C. chinense, C. frutescens, C. baccatum and C. pubescens. Peppers can be classified as sweet or spicy. Sweet peppers vary in shape and size and also present different color when reaching maturity. It is an herbaceous perennial plant with an annual cycle and its height can vary between 0.5 meter (in certain varieties of outdoor cultivation) and more than 2 meters (most of the hybrids grown in greenhouses). Growth stages of pepper plants consist of four periods: Young plant planting, Vegetative growth, from flowering to fruit set, fruit ripening to first harvest and from first to last harvest.
Pepper is used as a fresh vegetable, pickled vegetable, fresh chili spice and dried paprika powder.

Light: Very demanding, especially at early stages of development and during flowering.
Soil: sandy-loam or loam soils, well drained and rich in organic matter (3-4%).
pH: Between 6.5 and 7. Good development at pH 8 in sandy soils.
Pepper is a demanding plant. Temperatures depend on the development crop stages.
Germination. Optimum temperature is 20-25 ºC. Min. 13ºC/ Max. 40ºC
Vegetative Growth. Optimum temperature is 20-25 ºC (day); 16-18 ºC (night). Min. 15 ºC/ Max. 32 ºC
Flowering and Fruit set. Optimum temperature is 26-28 ºC (day); 18-20 ºC (night). Min. 18 ºC/ Max. 35 ºC
The average monthly temperature in order to get good harvest has to be from 18º to 22º C, being the ideal temperature from 20 to 25ºC during the day and from 16 to 18ºC at night. With lower temperatures the vegetative growth stops.

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